
Privacy Policy

Last updated October 22, 2024

“We value your privacy.”

Most privacy policies begin that way. But they then proceed — for 5,000 convoluted words or so — to explain how they’re going to track you, own your data, and generally be creepy.

We at here & co. (the company behind Iterum), do things differently. We don’t collect any personal information about you or the content you put in Iterum - it’s all stored securely on a private iCloud container that only your Apple ID can access.

No Tracking

We don’t track how you individually use the app. Honestly, we don’t want to know anything about you unless you tell us yourself. We get some anonymous aggregated data from Apple around installs, crashes, etc. - but that’s it.

Opt-in for AI Features

Iterum has optional AI-powered features. If you enable these features, the content of your entries will be sent to OpenAI for processing. While OpenAI may store this data for up to 30 days, it will not be used to train their models, and we will never have access to this data.

We use a service called AIProxy to send your data to OpenAI. They store the following information when network requests are made:

  • Originating IP address of the network request
  • HTTP status code of the network response
  • HTTP response body if and only if the status code is greater than or equal to 400
  • Metadata about the network request (number of input tokens, length of audio uploaded, size of audio file).

The information above is used for display in our Dashboard account with AIProxy and is used to mitigate abuse of OpenAI APIs. The data shown is not linked you or your usage of the app in any other way.

Secured by Apple

The security of your data on iCloud is ensured by Apple. If you trust Apple, you trust Iterum. They employ encryption and other security measures. For detailed information, check out Apple’s iCloud security overview.

It’s Your Data

We want to provide a convenient and delightful interface for accessing and using your data, but its your data. You can export all of it at any time to use it somewhere else if you like - just head to the Settings screen to do so.

Children’s Privacy

Our app doesn’t specifically target children under the age of 13. However, as we use iCloud, parents and guardians should be aware of Apple’s privacy practices regarding children’s data.

We Don’t Sell Your Data

Just to be extra clear: we don’t have your data, so we have not and will not ever sell it to advertisers or 3rd party companies. That’d be gross.

Website Analytics

We want to process as little personal information as possible when you use this marketing website. We use Fathom Analytics, which doesn’t use cookies and complies with the GDPR, ePrivacy (including PECR), COPPA, and CCPA. Your IP address is only briefly processed, and we (running this website) have no way of identifying you. As per the CCPA, your personal information is de-identified. You can read more about this on Fathom Analytics’ website.

We use analytics to understand our website traffic in the most privacy-friendly way possible so that we can continually improve our website and business. The lawful basis as per the GDPR is “Article 6(1)(f); where our legitimate interests are to improve our website and business continually.” Once again, no personal data is stored over time.

We also run paid ads from time to time to let more people know about Iterum. When we’re running campaigns, we might use a cookie or two to track the success of these campaigns. Just hit the “Reject All” button on the cookie consent banner if you’re not into that.

Once again, no analytics or cookie data is linked to the app itself.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Should there be any changes in the tools we use or our privacy practices, we’ll update this policy. But, since we don’t have your contact info, it’s your responsibility to check back here for updates if you care about that sort of thing.

Contact Information

If you have questions about this policy or need help, feel free to contact us at